S U S T A I N A B L E &
Xyst Domed Habitats Citadel
Designed by Imaginatives
Greenfield to Green City - Manhattan size
Eradicating poverty requires tackling all facets of deprivation, not just some. Improvement in living standards is crucial. This means solving issues deriving from chronic unemployment.
In poor, unskilled, under-educated communities with limited infrastructure, healthcare, housing or transport, social transformation is especially complex, but vital.
It is what we seek to achieve in the creation of a new city, for the benefit of all, but especially for the benefit of the community in the heartland of the former Zulu Kingdom of South Africa.
Here's a snapshot of our 2019 work.
Economic Masterplan, Design, Architecture, Functionality and Investment planning for a new sustainable and resilient city in a coastal area of 70 square kilometres in North Durban, South Africa.
African Ark Sustainable City. Designed by Imaginatives
4.5 minute review - Relax Enjoy
Our multifunctional programme of design, architecture, engineering, technology, finance and community engagement in South Africa, is the basis for a multibillion inward investment in a new city.
This work covers all aspects of the UN Sustainability Goals and many future looking developments such as Affordable 3D Printed Housing, Clean technologies, Future Foods, Novel Transportation, and Health and Physical Securitisation.
Hippo Citadel. Designed by Imaginatives
600 Pages
2019 A F R I C A N A R K T E A M
Emily Ballantyne I Humayrah Bassa I Olivia Beattie I Paul Booth I Harry Bradbury I Judith Bradbury I Colin Byrne I Federico Cassani I Alison Cavey I Graham Cole I Dominic Collett I Peter Coward I Victoria Crozet I Michael Darby I Jill Dickinson I Simon Dunstan I Tony du Toit I Christopher Edwards I Joe English I Callum Folan I Doug Folan I Holly Forsyth I Roy Gent I John Glen I Mike Goodall I Izzy Grandcourt I Helen Helm I Tim Lahner I Derek McGuigan I Lily Mindham-Walker I Mark Oddy I Wouter Porton I Stephen Pringle I Preevan Reddy I Paul Reed I Dermot Roddy I Friedemann Romhild I Shireen Sayed I Andrew Schultz I Richard Smith I Nick Talbot I Maarten van der Wiel I Rebecca Walker I Erwin Webbink I Cindy Wells